Productions specialises in natural history and conservation based filmmaking.
Owned and managed by producer Madelaine Westwood, Nutshell produces
documentaries, initiates and co-ordinates global film based conservation
projects, and actively trains the next generation of wildlife filmmakers
in many aspects of their chosen profession.
Via this
website you can find out more about the programmes in production by
Nutshell Productions, and explore the company's other initiatives in
conservation and training.
Conservation Film-making
How to make films that make a difference
Never has the time been more critical for film-making to help make a difference to the natural world
This book shows you how
The new book from Wildeye by Madelaine Westwood and Piers Warren
with a Foreword by Jane Goodall
Available as paperback, eBook or Kindle edition
- A complete �how to� guide, aimed at both film-makers and conservationists who want to use film as a tool for conservation
- Covers all pre-production activities including how to raise funds
- How to choose and use the filming equipment you need, plus a guide to post-production
- Explores reaching audiences, organising screenings, using social media, monitoring effectiveness and ethical consideration
- Features
case studies from leading conservation film-makers including Mike
Pandey, Rob Stewart (Sharkwater and Revolution), Will Anderson (Hugh�s
Fish Fight) and Shekar Dattatri
- Describes
how organisations use film effectively in conservation; including
Greenpeace, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB),
Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and Great Apes Film Initiative
The Great Apes Film Initiative - see what is happening with GAFI
Nutshell Productions Ltd
Company Reg. No. 05409743
Address: 86 Somerton Drive, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 5SS
VAT: 8843099805409743